The Reborn Story
Is there anything that illustrates transformation better than a butterfly?
Butterflies have intrigued me since I was a little girl. I loved their colors and graceful beauty combined with their agile quick movements. I would spend hours trying to catch them… carefully sneaking up and cupping my hands over them so as not to hurt them. Then I would slowly open my hands to see if I had been successful.
Even today, I am intrigued with butterflies. When I discovered two big fat green Asian Swallowtail caterpillars munching away on our brand new lemon tree...
- the rest of the story -
I rescued them from destruction by creating a safe house for them. I fed them until I was able to watch them transform and emerge, large and beautiful!
With the help of some honey water, one even climbed onto my hand and clung to my finger enjoying the sweet nectar. It was a dream come true!
Don’t you just love the visual of how a caterpillar goes thru a difficult, bound up experience, and emerges more beautiful and free than it’s ever been?!! This visual is both encouraging and reassuring in my own life. Not only is it often true about the difficulties and dark days of our lives, but it’s also true about our eternity. That fills me with hope!
The Bible says, “those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (NLT)
Eagles are big and strong… but so are butterflies. Their wings are deceivingly dainty.
Does life make you feel trapped right now, like you’re wrapped up in a cocoon and can’t get out? I can tell you, I’ve been there! Hang on! Take a deep breath and persevere while God brings about a beautiful transformation in you. You will find new strength in those beautiful wings of yours.
If life feels pretty good for you right now, look around you. I bet you can pretty easily find someone that feels all bound up… fearful, and alone. They need your reassurance that through this period of transformation they will come out at the other end more beautiful and free than they ever were.
The Kamehameha butterflies in this painting are one of only 2 butterflies native to Hawaii. They only lay their eggs on this one plant, a Mamaki (also native to Hawaii). I have planted one in my garden in hopes that one day I will have Kamehameha Butterflies in my garden.
Did this story lift your heart?
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The original painting and prints of "Reborn" are available at my artist website.
© 2025 Melanie Pruitt