The Native Frangrance Story
You know that one of my favorite times of year as an artist is the Hawaii Nei Art Exhibit in Hilo.
Prior to the 2023 show, I attended a garden tour sponsor by Hawaii Nei. I so enjoyed seeing, touching and smelling the native plants, and learning about all their uses.
It was an overcast day (common in Hilo), but as we walked past a huge Alahe’e tree, the sun came out. The shadows danced on the leaves and the fragrance of the flowers wafted through the air. A happy little bee fought the breezes to land and collect pollen. I was enthralled.
- the rest of the story -
As I took pictures and videos, I knew this was going to be what I painted for Hawaii Nei!
I chose to paint it in watercolor and titled it “Native Fragrance.” Then, I realized that there were a lot of parallels between this painting and showing love and care to those around us who are struggling.
I'd like to share 2 thoughts on how you can become a native fragrance of love to those around you.
1. Slow down your own life enough to actually notice the people around you
Tourists arrive with “gotta do” lists when they come to Hawaii and thus, they often miss the best parts of it. But in many ways, we all live like tourists with “to do” lists that keeps us from noticing the needs of others.
We race through the grocery store not even noticing the other shoppers or the cashier. We look at our phones instead of the other people around us as we wait to pick up our kids from school or as we sit and wait through their after-school classes and lessons. We race through appointments - oil changes, doctors appts, even checking in at the gym, without even looking someone in the eyes and asking them how they are doing today with a willingness to take the time to listen to their answer. I am guilty of all of this too.
However, Jesus took the time to see people. His disciples, wanted him to push hard and keep going with his great works. But he was never afraid to drop all he was doing, or stop his travels to actually spend time and “see” those who were hurting. I think of the the two blind men on the side of the road that everyone ignored and Jesus stopped to ask what they wanted. I think of the Samaritan woman at the well with whom he had a long meaningful conversation (Jews were not supposed to notice or talk to Samaritans.) I think of the woman in the huge crowd who touched his cloak for healing while he was on his way somewhere important, but he stopped, looked her in the eyes, touched her and lifted her off the ground and talked to her when no one else would because she was “unclean."
We’ll never even notice the needs around us if we don’t slow down and actually see the people around us!
2. Search for individuals who have disappeared
So many of the plants we saw on our Hawaii Nei tour have disappeared or are close to disappearing in the wild. Many species in Hawaii have become extinct and it’s easy to not even notice their disappearance.
So, also, people struggling with depression, health issues, family issues etc, can slowly disappear. If we are not careful, we may not even notice they have disappeared!
If someone in your sphere of relationships seems to have disappeared, make sure to reach out with these tips in mind:
~ Ask meaningful questions.
Work hard to listen, learn and understand their situation (never assume you do understand). Jesus always knew, but he still asked meaningful questions, listening to what people said they needed.
~ Offer them specific help, but don’t be offended or quit trying if your help is turned down. Adjust what you offer based on the needs they express.
~ Stay the course! Go back to them often, never giving up! Cling to your commitment to “see” them in their absence, just as this bee, in the strong breeze, was committed to cling to the flowers, even as the branch bounced up and down.
With these 2 easy steps, your love will stand out as a unique fragrance of love. You will bring hope and give people who are struggling the confidence they are not alone.
Did this story encourage you?
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© 2025 Melanie Pruitt