The Hudson's Honu Story
What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when I ask “What brings the MOST instantaneous joy to your heart?” If I stop and think a bit, there are many things I could answer. But my first thought is...
- the rest of the story -
...my grandchildren!
When my first grandchild was on his way, I was happy. But… that first moment I held him in my arms I entered a new dimension. It felt like my heart was going to explode with joy! I was so taken aback by feeling such strong emotion! My husband and I often talk about how we never understood how much happiness and joy grandchildren would bring to our lives.
My grandson Hudson is bright and full of wonder at the world. Even before he could talk, you could see him watching everything… taking it all in. He both takes life seriously, and fills it with imagination.
When he was two he made his first trip to Hawaii. He played in the ocean for the first time. And walking over my favorite bridge in Hilo to Moku Ola (Coconut Island) we watched a huge honu swimming underneath us. This moment was the inspiration for this painting - a combination of reality, whimsy and imagination!
But sometimes in contemplative moments, I stop and wonder… has anyone ever taken as much joy in my presence as I take in my grandchildren’s presence? My eyes tear up as I realize, yes, yes there is! And there is for you too!
The Bible tells me that The Creator of the universe rejoices over you and I, with GREAT JOY!
It says:
“The Lord your God is living among you.
He is a mighty savior.
He will delight over you with joy.
Can you believe that? It makes my head spin. That incredible, unexplainable joy I feel over my grandchildren… God feels over you and me.
Did you need to hear that today? I know I did, even as I wrote it.
Do you know someone else who needs to hear that today? Let them know that He delights and rejoices over YOU with joy!!
Did this story inspire you?
If you’d like to share with me how this artwork and story has impacted you, you can use my contact form here. I’d love to hear from you.
The original is held in a private collection but prints of "Hudson's Honu" are available at my artist website.
© 2025 Melanie Pruitt